Office & Productivity

These Top Accounting Software Support Ecommerce Businesses

Donut Atwork
Since its inception in 1494, bookkeeping, now more commonly known as accounting, has evolved tremendously from the simple record keeping to advance reporting and complicated statements, to the present-day AI-powered Accounting systems. Fast forward to date, the Accounts Department of any business holds a certain authority and power due to their access to company financials. […]

Not Cloud Storage, But Digital & Media Asset Management

Donut Atwork
Science and technology have revolutionized the entire world over the past few decades. Even as you read this article, numerous new technologies come into existence, and many others get even bigger and better. Amongst many blessings of technology, the advent of cloud storage is a top contender! Cloud storage is an efficient computing model whereby […]

Build Your Data Culture with Power Bi

Donut Atwork
What is Data-Driven Decision-Making? Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) are behaviours whereby company leaders or analysts uses the information from the business data of their organization to make decisions that will impact and drive organizational goals. These data can be produced from different sources such as; sales volume, marketing ROI, staff performance which explains productivity and efficiency, […]

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